Oldbury Wells School Bridgnorth was one of the last secondary schools in Shropshire without its own dedicated sports hall facility. This new 1000m building provides a four court sports hall was designed to Sport England design guidance. The construction is steel frame finished in a combination traditional masonry and insulated steel panels at higher level. The design was progressed in consultation with Shropshire Council building conservation officers in accordance with the listed status of the existing secondary school building.
The building achieved a ‘BREEAM’ assessment rating in recognition of its sustainable design and construction. The main hall being passively ventilated by the distinctive wind catchers on the roof. Attention was given to the air tightness detailing and high levels of insulation are used to minimise heat loss and solar gain. The project was procured using the 'NEC Option 3' contract type with the Contractor working collaboratively with the Design Team at the both design and construction phases.