Approved contractors

We have added two new categories to our approved contractors list:

17a - Certified timber fire door installers
17b - Certified passive fire protection

You can also apply for the following categories:

1 - Building application form
2 - Electrical application form
3 - Mechanical application form
4 - Painting and decorating application form
5 - Refenestration application form
6 - Roofing application form
7 - Domestic and commercial equipment application form
8 - Blinds and curtains application form
9 - Glazing services application form
10 - Landscaping services application form
11 - Flooring application form
12 - Aircon services application form
13 - Tarpaving services application form and specification guidance
14 - Drainage service application form
15 - Fire risk assessment services form
16 - Specialist services

Apply for any category here


You can also apply to be on our Dynamic Purchasing System for:

Lot 1 Building construction over £140k

Lot 2 - Design & Build construction over £140k

Lot 3 - Demountable buildings

Lot 4 - Asbestos removal

Lot 5 - Demolition

Apply here