Condition Improvement Funding bids 2018/19

The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) is an annual bidding round to which academies can apply for capital funding. The core priority for CIF is to address significant condition need, keeping academy buildings safe and in good working order. This includes funding projects to address health and safety issues, building compliance and poor building condition.

PSG worked closely with several academies to submit bids for the 2018/19 bidding round and has been successful with four bids, securing funding in the region of £800,000.  PSG will now be working with the successful academy schools to design, procure and manage the improvement works on site to completion. 

For unsuccessful applications feedback will issued by the ESFA w/c 23rd April.  PSG will be liaising with academies whose bid was unsuccessful to consider future funding.

Academy schools considering future condition improvement works are encouraged to contact PSG who can advise on the viability of the project for future funding rounds.